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Family management - consent requests
Member Information

Not seeing all your family members? Send a consent request to manage their prescriptions.
Please enter this information exactly as it appears on the member ID card. All fields are required.
*Consent requests for underage members will be sent to and managed by the policy holder.

Address [Enter Primary Label] Billing address Shipping address
This is your address on file for information being mailed to you.
Please contact your health plan to update this address.
[Person Name] (you)
Member information is currently unavailable. Please try again.
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[Address Line 1]
[Address Line 2]

[Person Name] Select a different member to edit
Please enter a valid U.S. address. International addresses are not displayed on MyPrime.
[Enter Invalid Address Error Message]
[Address Line 1]
[Address Line 2]
[City] [State] [Zip]
[Person Name]

Address update error
Addresses updated successfully
Your changes have not been saved. Please try again.
[Person Name]
- Between 8 and 20 characters
- Include at least one number and letter
- Have no spaces between characters
- Case sensitive
Member Information
Checking progress... Get started Incomplete -
View your member accounts and print temporary ID cards.
View your member accounts and print temporary ID cards.
Communication Preferences
Checking progress... Get started Incomplete - Add your email address Add a phone number Choose the best time for us to call Add a Other phone number, if different from above Let us know how you'd like to receive plan updates Let us know how you'd like to receive prescription updates Let us know how you'd like to receive health & wellness information Tell us how you'd like to receive information from us
View Address
Checking progress... Get started Incomplete - View address on file. Contact your health plan to update.
Username & Password
Checking progress... Get started Incomplete - Update username, password and security question to help keep your account secure
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